Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I Bought the Sun for a Dollar

I Bought the Sun for a Dollar You’re probably familiar with the concept of six degrees of separation, whereby you and everyone on the planet can be connected through a chain of no more than five intermediaries. This small world theory has been considered for almost ninety years and like all theories it may not yet be proven. Still, connections, whether remote or in our faces may impact us more than we can ever realize. My idea for I Bought the Sun for a Dollar centers around the universe and how it twirls and spirals all around us, far away and sometimes close, allowing objects such as the planets and ever our precious sun to at one time or another, impact our emotions, feelings or thoughts through connectivity. We have all felt the sun’s rays but most have never maybe even seen Jupiter through a telescope let alone pondered it. That doesn’t matter. The universe’s effect upon all of us may be unconscious for the most part. And just like the tug of the moon on a tide, we are unwittingly moved by astral bodies just as much as we may be from a not so pleasant conversation with a motorist or a heavenly encounter with a beautiful ‘human’ body. Near or far, short or long, there is impact. Quantum entanglement is a theory that helps to prove this idea whereby two objects may be in the same place at the same time, even though separated by great distances. This idea posited by Einstein is considered even more valid today as theoretical physicists test particles by separating them and discovering there could be communication via some as yet explained means at light speed. Does everything in effect communicate, and if so, does this communication set an outcome for good or bad? It is believed that plants possess a form of communication and taking that idea farther, maybe the planet itself communicates with the universe in a language to be named later. Just as intriguing is that astrology may be more valid than some think as the position of the planets could have an impact upon yourself and your actions. If so, our actions may be always influenced. But I’d like to think we hold some percentage of control regarding our final actions and choices. I invite you to see how Timothy Ray handles his newfound discovery… Timothy Ray’s home is first invaded by burglars and then by a spy in a lover’s guise in I BOUGHT THE SUN FOR A DOLLAR, a romantic suspense novel. Can anyone actually buy peace or happiness? Perplexed by the loss of job and fiancé, Timothy Ray makes a symbolic purchase of the sun for a dollar to try to right things in his slightly off course career trajectory. When he stumbles upon a brilliant, cascading sunrise and then a chance meeting with a statuesque blonde he feels his life is about to change for the better but his new girlfriend is a spy, working for a contracted data mining firm. Undaunted and unaware that Lou Ann is actually Kate, Timothy continues to encourage people via social media to experience how energy is shared between us and the cosmos. Kate and her employer fear Timothy’s hope will threaten the leadership’s status quo. The firm incrementally steps up its spy game and seems to have no remorse about putting Timothy at risk of ridicule and perhaps worse. But Timothy’s biggest threat may come from the very source of his inspiration, the sun itself. Will he be able to save all from a cosmic catastrophe? Timothy Ray stumbles across a brilliant cascading sunrise that changes him profoundly. His symbolic purchase of the sun for a dollar, leads to huge social media following and a new girlfriend who is a spy out out to discredit him, or worse.. But Timothy’s biggest threat may come from the very source of his inspiration, the sun itself. Will he be able to save all from a cosmic catastrophe? Can anyone actually buy peace or happiness? Perplexed by the loss of job and fiancé, Timothy Ray makes a symbolic purchase of the sun for a dollar to try to right things in his slightly off course career trajectory. When he stumbles upon a brilliant, cascading sunrise and then a chance meeting with a statuesque blonde he feels his life is about to change for the better but his new girlfriend is a spy, working for a contracted data mining firm. Undaunted and unaware that Lou Ann is actually Kate, Timothy continues to encourage people via social media to experience how energy is shared between us and the cosmos. Kate and her employer fear Timothy’s hope will threaten the leadership’s status quo. The firm incrementally steps up its spy game and seems to have no remorse about putting Timothy at risk of ridicule and perhaps worse. But Timothy’s biggest threat may come from the very source of his inspiration, the sun itself. Will he be able to save all from a cosmic catastrophe? https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/698405

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Combine CSI and Star Trek along with Issac Asimov, Stephen King and Dean Koontz, and you have God’s of the Machines.

Gods of the Machines
Gary Starta
Visit the Author's website


Fiction - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Reviewed for ReadersFavorite.com

Author Biography

Gary Starta writes fiction on the fringe of genre preferring to mix science fiction with fantasy, romance, suspense and mystery. His latest novel is Gods of the Machines, a novel about colonization, artificial intelligence and alien encounters. Continuing his FBI Agent Caitlin Diggs series, Starta will release the 3rd book in the series in 2012. Find out more at www.garystarta.net
Book Review
God’s of the Machines begins with a seduction and murder. The setting is the future on a distant planet in the Andromeda Galaxy colonized by Earth. The lead character is Sam Benson, a New York Detective. Some would call Sam a racist. As the murdered bodies begin to pile up, Sam is convinced the killer is an android. He cannot find any concrete evidence that point to a suspect.

Sandra is a forensic pathologist who does autopsies. She and Sam are scheduled to be married; but his prejudice stands between them, so she decides to postpone the wedding. Sam turns to Sharon his sexy new partner.

Gary Starta’s style is graceful, flowing, well-defined, and dramatic. Starta has created his own world filled with robotic bees, aliens, androids and humans. This book is more than science fiction; it is science fiction, intrigue, politics, murder, greed, romance, suspense, mystery, terror, thriller, and interpersonal relationship. Combine CSI and Star Trek along with Issac Asimov, Stephen King and Dean Koontz, and you have God’s of the Machines. The characters are easy to connect to. Starta does an excellent job demonstrating prejudice and hatred of what we do not understand. This is an exciting read that sci-fi fans will not want to miss.

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